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Auto / Vehicle Rental

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Enterprise Rent a Car-Enterprise Mobility
Marisa Rokovitz
Dave Burr
1225 S. 7th St.
Phoenix, AZ 85034
213-494-7016 Business

Trust Our Team For All Your Transportation Needs. Dedicated Film/Entertainment support and reservation staff. The largest fleet of vehicles, cargo, pick up, and cube and Stakebed trucks.

Features / Episodic Commercials Print / Stills Theater Sports Corporate / Live

USA Movie Cars
Rob Rutledge
12019 N. 45th Dr.
Glendale, AZ 85304
602-882-2705 Business

USA Movie Cars, based in Phoenix Arizona, provides Picture Car Rentals across Arizona, including Phoenix, Tucson, Flagstaff and Yuma. If you need Picture Cars, Police Cars or SUVS, Ambulances, Fire Trucks, Classic and Vintage Cars for Films, Movies, TV, Print Ads, Events or more, USA Movie Cars delivers! Seen on ABC/Disney/WB/Fox/HBO/NBC & More!

Features / Episodic Commercials Print / Stills Theater Sports Corporate / Live