Thanks to all of the APA Members who voted in our recent board elections, and to all of the candidates who ran for office. Members elected incumbents Greg Hewett and Michael Kucharo, along with new board members Bella Hibbs and Jessica Wenger.
At January’s board meeting, the following officers and committee chairs were appointed to serve in 2019:
President – Judy Moore
President-Elect – Rachel Davidson
Treasurer – Michael Kucharo
Secretary – Nichole Kizer
Past President – Jason Isaak
Member-at-Large – Otto D’Agnolo
Committee Chairs:
Directory – Kieran Thompson
Events – Julie Lee & Bill Garmen
Internet – Scott Siegwald
Legal – Donald Woodard
Marketing – Richard Lippert
Membership – Jason Issak
Newsletter – Julie Lee
Past Presidents – Jason Isaak
Southern Arizona – Greg Hewett
Ways & Means – Michael Kucharo
In addition, Richard Lippert will serve a one-year term on the board, Leah Williams remains our liaison to IATSE 748, and Judy Moore and Michael Kucharo continue as APA’s two representatives to the AFMC.
Congratulations to all of these dedicated volunteers for their willingness to serve on behalf of fellow members and our local production community! Please thank them when you see them next, hopefully at APA’s Annual Meeting on January 24!