The event will be held this fall. An exact date and location have not yet been set.
If you or someone you know has a SHORT film or two in the can, or will by the end of summer, please submit the work for consideration. You can submit as many different shorts as you want, as long as each submission meets the criteria outlined below.
Criteria for Each Submission:
It can be as short as you want, even just a trailer, BUT it cannot exceed 30 minutes in length
At least one of the following key film positions should be female - Producer, Director, DP, Editor, Production Designer or Screenwriter
IF your short's online and easy to access (i.e. YouTube video), then all you have to do to submit is SEND US THE LINK!
If it's not online and you need to send a copy on disk, please call for instructions: 480-345-6464
Please include your name and contact info (email AND phone), as well as the name of the Short for each submission
Please note if your SHORT IS SELECTED, then we WILL need a copy on DVD to play the night of the event OR you'll need to post a HIGH-RES version of it online. Technical specifications will be given to those with Shorts chosen to be screened.
EARLY BIRD SUBMISSION DEADLINE - FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 2016 (no entry fee if submit by August 26)
FINAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 (possible entry fee; this has not yet been decided)
Send submission info and links to: Help us showcase YOUR work! Submit Your Short(s) Today!