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news: Call for Entries - Shorts Needed for "Ladies 'Film' Night Out"
April 15, 2015
We're very excited to announce that this fall we'll be hosting our 2nd Annual event celebrating the work of female filmmakers - our "Ladies 'Film' Night Out"!
The first event last November SOLD OUT and a fabulous time was had by all, so we're getting a head start on this year's by asking all of the fabulous females making films to submit their work for consideration. You can submit as many different shorts as you want, as long as each submission meets the criteria outlined below.
Criteria for Each Submission:
It can be as short as you want, even a trailer if you just want to submit that, BUT it can't be more than 30 minutes in length
Must submit on a DVD (NTSC) to APA's office (sorry, we can't download it)
All submissions must include a synopsis of the film in 75 words or less
All DVDS must be labeled with the film title, length of the film, name(s) of the filmmaker(s) & their contact info
At least one of the following key film positions should be female - Producer, Director, DP, Editor, Production Designer or Screenwriter
If you are submitting more than one short, you can put up to 3 on a single DVD as long as you include synopses and all of the pertinent info for each piece
The DVDs will be used for selection purposes, so we want to make sure everyone looks at the same thing.
So you have PLENTY of time to get those DVDs in, and hopefully we'll be seeing YOUR work on the big screen this fall!
Mail or drop off to APA at: 6615 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 101 Scottsdale, AZ 85250
NOTE: The office is only open limited hours. If we're not in, just slip it under the door!