As a non-profit membership organization, the APA is supported solely by member dues and website banner advertising revenue. We have limited reserves, since we strive to use as much of our revenue as possible each year to provide our members with the following benefits:
Promotion: Online & Off, In Arizona and Beyond - #APAONSET
Community: Opportunities to Connect, Engage & Earn
Education: From experienced industry professionals
Credibility: Most thorough applicant vetting process
We know that you value being a part of Arizona’s only statewide association of verified production professionals and would like to continue being a part of our community. We also realize that the current global health crisis has hit our industry hard.
Some of you have memberships that are currently up for renewal or will be soon; others have renewal dates later in the year.
The APA values having you as a member and wants to THANK YOU for your support with this special LIMITED TIME OFFER of TWO ADDITIONAL MONTHS of APA Membership! Here’s how to take advantage of this offer:
May – July Renewal Dates: If your membership comes up for renewal between now and July 31, all you have to do is renew when you get your automated RENEWAL NOTICES by your renewal deadline.
Other Renewal Dates: If you’re up for renewal after July 31, simply RENEW EARLY AND PAY BY JULY 31. To do that, contact APA’s office at 480-345-6464 or since you won’t receive your automated renewal notices by the offer deadline.
In either case, upon your renewal we will ADD an additional TWO MONTHS onto your membership term to say THANK YOU for continuing to support your APA!
This offer EXPIRES JULY 31. It is only valid for existing APA Members with active membership status who renew by (for May-July renewals) or prior to their normal renewal dates. If you’d like to participate in this offer but aren’t sure when you normally renew, just call or email and we’ll let you know.