The 2013 version of the Multimedia Production Tax Incentive Bill was introduced in the Senate on January 29. It was assigned to the Commerce, Finance and Rules Committees, and passed through Commerce on February 13 with a minor amendment. The next step is for the Bill to be heard in the Senate Finance Committee, but it has not yet been placed on that committee's agenda.
The Finance Committee's Chairman is Senator Steve Yarbrough, R, District 17, which is portions of Chandler, Gilbert and all of Sun Lakes. The AFMC (Arizona Film and Media Coalition) asks that you contact him - particularly if you live in his district, and that you ask Sen. Yarbrough to please schedule SB1242 to be heard in his Senate Finance Committee. Let him know what passage of the bill means to you personally and/or professionally. Keep your message positive.
Also, if you are a student or an educator, it would be enormously helpful if he could hear from you. Note that Senator Yarbrough's bio says:
"From 1971-1975 he served as a director in the ASU Office of Student Affairs. Since 1998 he has been the Executive Director of the Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization, a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization - Sen. Yarbrough taught business law at Mesa Community College from 1975-1977. He was a co-founder and served on the school board for Valley Christian High School from 1981-2005."
Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the bill. To read SB1242 or to keep track of its progress, visit You can also read regular blog postings about the Bill and get a list of the Top 10 Reasons to Support It at the AFMC's website: