We're excited to announce that we had a total of 40 submissions this year for the 3rd annual celebration of Arizona female filmmakers!
The following submissions were selected to be screened at the event on Friday, November 18. In the days to come, we'll be sending out more info on each one, but for now here's what you'll get to see, in no particular order:
"Reverie" - Dana Bruhn "It's Over" - Gita Farid "FAUST II" - Michelle Allen "Tobi and Matt, A Dawn Awakening" - Joe Gruberman "(Not) Another Fashion Film" - Elizabeth Rohe "Ambiguety, Cronica De Un Sueno Americano" (trailer) - Grisel Wilson "Eva, Hell's Angel" - Gita Farid "Invisible Me" - Kristie Austin "The Horologist" - Marcelo Dietrich "Embrace" (music video) - Jason Ryan "Kind of Sort of a Mid-Life Crisis (But Not Really) - Jennifer Nesbit "Unvisible" - Shelby Elwood "The Corner Room" - Gita Farid
Tickets are only $20 for APA Members; $25 for Non-Members. Appetizers included. MEMBERS - Don't forget to enter the promo code we sent you to get your discount!
Purchase tickets online at:
https://tca.ticketforce.com/eventperformances.asp?evt=587 "Ladies 'Film' Night Out" is sponsored by Broadcast Rentals, Reel Men, Sun Studios of Arizona, DYNAMIC! Productions LLC, Dani's Agency and Beautiful Science.