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news: 2013 APA Board of Directors
January 1, 2013
APA is pleased to announce the results of last month's elections to our Board of Directors: Re-elected was incumbent Dani Green and newly elected were Beau Beyerle of MediaHouse HD, Mike Kucharo of Kucharo Film, Larry Niemi and Karen Sundt of Sundt Productions.
Officers for 2013 are President - Jill Ormond; Secretary - Karen Sundt; Treasurer - Darlene Wyatt; Past President - Lee Ann Cone and Member-at-Large - Pat Powers. Committee Chairs include Traci Langston, Membership; Paula Rogers, Southern Arizona; Larry Niemi, Directory; Duncan Harvey, Events and Julie Lee, Newsletter.
Contact info for all board members and committee chairs can be found on the Contact APA Board page of this site.