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news: APA Annual Membership Meeting - January 20
December 29, 2015
Come out and meet APA’s leadership for 2016 and hear what the organization has planned for the months ahead. The evening begins with a casual dinner provided by APA, followed by the formal meeting and a question and answer period. When the meeting’s over, take a tour of the fabulous facility, mingle with friends, and network with other industry pros.
NEW this year - we’ll be showing the Audience Favorite from our second annual “Ladies ‘Film’ Night Out” event, “10 Minutes” by Arlene Newman.
The event is FREE for APA Members; $15 for non-members at the door. SAVE THE DATE and plan to attend our largest annual event!
What: Annual Membership Meeting
Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Time: Doors at 6:15 pm; meeting at 7:00 pm
Place: ARIZONASTUDIOS, 4614 E. McDowell Road, Phoenix, AZ
Cost: FREE for Members; $15 for Non-Members at the Door
PLEASE RSVP by January 15 to 480-345-6464 or info@azproduction.com